The Lasting Impact of the Aaron Young Scholars Research Institute

Episode Summary:

What makes the Hank & Billye Suber Aaron Young Scholars Summer Research Institute so impactful for students?

In this episode of Voices in Equity, the official podcast of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University, we spotlight the transformative Hank & Billye Aaron Young Scholars Summer Research Institute.

In this episode, Ms. Kennedy Ruff, a proud graduate of the Institute, interviews Ms. Carissa Dixon, a Duke School of Medicine employee, about her son Sam’s transformative experience in the program.

What is the experience of Institute graduates?

Through the program’s focus on writing, research, and presentation skills, Sam gained a deeper understanding of the economic, social, and political forces that shape inequality.

Listen as Ms. Dixon reflects on how the Institute empowered Sam and other students of color, equipping them with the confidence and tools to navigate their futures, and as she shares the vital role of parental involvement, career exploration, and networking in preparing the next generation for success.

Episode Guide:

  • See resources mentioned in this episode, discussion points, and questions here.

Episode transcript:

  • Full episode transcript here.

Watch our newest episode on YouTube here.

Voices in Equity is edited and produced by Earfluence.