Reports The Federal Job Guarantee – A Policy to Achieve Permanent Full Employment While in January 2018 the unemployment rate was at a relatively low 4.1 percent, that… 23 and We: Stories of Race in Genetic Ancestry Testing Advertisements Summary As genetic ancestry testing (GAT) companies market themselves, they face many decisions in terms… Low wealth and economic insecurity among middle-class blacks in Boston This qualitative study offers insights from interviews with both African American and Caribbean-ancestry blacks, disabusing… Inequity in Place 40 percent of Americans are obese, but these numbers cut along racial lines. As socioeconomic… Black Reparations and Child Well-Being: A Framework and Policy Considerations Black Reparations and Child Well-Being: A Framework and Policy Considerations The following is a working… Teacher Recruitment and Retention Trends Across North Carolina and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Introduction Research has continuously demonstrated that teachers are the most important school-related factor affecting student… What the Durham Police Department Can Do to Enhance Safety and Earn Trust This report contains the findings of an academic study Ajenai Clemmons conducted for her dissertation… Income Supplements versus Building Assets and the Racial Wealth Gap: Tax Policies Executive Summary The goal of this report is to provide a background of tax policies… 1 2 3 … 7 Next »