
Voices in Equity Podcast

Voices in Equity Podcast

Voices in Equity is the official podcast of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University.

The Cook Center is named after Samuel DuBois Cook, the first tenured Black professor at Duke University who exemplified the pursuit of social justice and equality. With research focuses including social mobility, education, health, wealth, and policy, the Cook Center aims to develop a deep understanding of the causes and consequences of inequality, and develop remedies for these disparities and their adverse effects.

sharpened pencils sticking out of a pencil holder

The Rebirth of K-12 Public Education: Postpandemic Opportunities (Part 1 + 2)

December 2, 2022

Episode Summary: Hear from Kisha Daniels, Kristen Stephens, and Erica Phillips on their chapter of The Pandemic Divide…

coins stacked in ascending amounts with a chart overlay showing ups and downs

Financial Insecurity, Student Debt, and the Pandemic

November 22, 2022

Episode Summary: Today we dive deep into Section 3 of The Pandemic Divide: COVID-19 and Financial Disparities, with…

hands grasping jail bars

Mass Incarceration, Race, and COVID-19, with Arvind Krishnamurthy

November 16, 2022

Episode Summary: Arvind Krishnamurthy discusses the chapter he wrote on “COVID-19, Race, and Mass Incarceration” in The Pandemic…