
Voices in Equity Podcast

Voices in Equity Podcast

Voices in Equity is the official podcast of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University.

The Cook Center is named after Samuel DuBois Cook, the first tenured Black professor at Duke University who exemplified the pursuit of social justice and equality. With research focuses including social mobility, education, health, wealth, and policy, the Cook Center aims to develop a deep understanding of the causes and consequences of inequality, and develop remedies for these disparities and their adverse effects.

The Lasting Impact of the Aaron Young Scholars Research Institute

November 1, 2024

Episode Summary: What makes the Hank & Billye Suber Aaron Young Scholars Summer Research Institute so impactful for…

Shaping Tomorrow: The Vision Behind the Aaron Young Scholars Summer Research Institute

October 23, 2024

Episode Summary: How can we inspire the next generation of scholars to engage with issues of social equity…

Mayor Leo Williams

Empowering Black Entrepreneurs after the COVID-19 Pandemic

July 8, 2024

Episode Summary: How exactly can we support Black-owned businesses and entrepreneurship in Durham, North Carolina, especially in the…