Bass Connections
July 27, 2020
Drs. Adam Hollowell and Keisha Bentley-Edwards, Researchers and Faculty Affiliates with the Cook Center received a $15,000 grant to lead a 2020-2021 Bass Connections Team.
The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted many changes in daily life. Although most of the focus has been on changes related to large-scale social activities (e.g., work, school, shopping, dining out), it is likely that the pandemic has also affected sexual habits, activities and health practices, especially outside of stable partnerships, in ways that could affect both reproductive health and COVID-19 transmission.
For young adults pursuing post-high school education, cancellation of in-person classes, closure of many campuses and reduced access to in-person healthcare may put those who are sexually active at higher risk of unplanned pregnancy or STIs. There are existing racial and ethnic disparities within this group in terms of contraceptive access and use and STI incidence, which may be exacerbated by the racial and ethnic disparities in the impact of COVID-19. Understanding the ways in which these factors may interact has important health implications for both COVID-19 prevention and reproductive health.