
Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Photo of doctor and mom with child

Social contexts and black families’ engagement in early childhood programs

Authors: Jane Leer, Imari Z. Smith, Zoelene Hill, and Lisa A. Gennetian Journal: PLOS One…

1917, Old Steel Mill

Gains from factory electrification: Evidence from North Carolina, 1905–1926

Author: Will Damron Journal: Explorations in Economic History Abstract: Between 1900 and 1930, the share…

How epigenetic inheritance fails to explain the Black-White health gap

Authors: Evan Charney, William Darity Jr., and Lucas Hubbard Journal: Social Science & Medicine Abstract:…

Intentionality and Congruence Cues Shape Young Children’s Perceptions of Identity-Based Group Membership

Authors: Brenda C. Straka, Adam Stanaland, and Sarah E. Gaither Journal: Developmental Science Abstract: As…

Testing the generalizability of minimal group attitudes in minority and majority race children

Authors: Brenda Straka, Ashley E. Jordan, Alisha Osornio, May Ling Halim, Kristin Pauker, Kristina R….

Editorial – Caste, class, race, and inequality: insights for economic policy

Authors: William A. Darity and Isabel Ruiz Journal: Oxford Review of Economic Policy Abstract: Disparities…

I am not (your) superwoman, Black girl magic, or beautiful struggle: Rethinking the resilience of Black women and girls

Authors: Keisha L. Bentley-Edwards and Valerie N. Adams Journal: American Psychologist Abstract: The concept and…

Ain’t I a Migrant?: Global Blackness and the Future of Migration Studies

Authors: Jean Beaman and Orly Clerge Journal: International Migration Review Abstract: In the wake of…