William A. Darity Jr. interviewed with Fenaba Addo by The Washington post about African American student debt

In recent Washington Post article, Director William A. Darity Jr. discussed an approach to address black student debt crisis with Fenaba Addo, Assistant Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison. 
“We believe that in order to address the black student debt crisis, we need to eliminate racial wealth inequality. Why? Because black-white disparities in student loan debt are deeply rooted in racial wealth disparities.”
They discussed a two-pronged approach that first tackles the existing debt overhang that disproportionally burdens young adults and the prevention of a renewal of the crisis. Both believe what is needed are actionable proposals to eliminate racial wealth inequality.
Sen. Cory Booker’s Opportunity Accounts proposal — or a similar arrangement that provides young adults with an endowment calibrated on the basis of their parents’ resources — can help ameliorate the size of the racial wealth gap. However, a reparations program will need to be implemented that brings the black share of ownership in the nation’s wealth from its current 2.6 percent to at least 13 percent, a proportion consistent with the black share in the nation’s population.
Read the full article here.