Faculty Programs

16th DITE cohort

Diversity Initiative for Tenure in Economics (DITE)

Our Mission

A critical mission of the Cook Center is training the next generation of scholars in the social sciences, with a focus on economics as it undergirds and informs most of the research at the Center. This mission could not thrive without the Diversity Initiative for Tenure in Economics (DITE), which began in 2008 in response to the gross underrepresentation of minority economists (particularly Black, Latinx, and native American economists) in the ranks of university faculty.

16th DITE cohortThrough mentoring and workshops, DITE aids the transition from junior faculty status to associate professor for economists from these underrepresented racial and ethnic groups.

Since its inception, DITE has assisted fifteen cohorts of early and mid-career professors of economics advance toward tenure.

Of the 101 past fellows, thirty-one now have tenure; notably, two are deans, four are department chairs, five are center directors, and two are full professors.

There are now distinguished professors among the past fellows as well.

The Spring 2025 convening of the Diversity Initiative for Tenure in Economics (DITE) is set from April 10th-12th at Emory University's Conference Center in Atlanta, GA.

August 2024 DITE Workshop Coverage:

Diversity in Economics

In 2015 the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reported that only 6 percent of full-time faculty are Black and 5 percent are Latino, and these numbers are lower in economics. Similarly, a 1994 study found that there were eleven Black economists teaching at the nation’s twenty-five highest-ranked universities; a 2006 study identified thirteen such individuals, many of whom were the same individuals canvassed in the 1994 study. Given the lack of underrepresented & minority (URM) professors of economics, both the academy and society lose more when any one of these scholars drops out of the tenure pipeline. DITE is designed to help URM faculty of economics decode the academy; demystify the promotion and tenure process; and identify, develop, and leverage a research program in route to an effective tenure placement. As the tenure system aims to protect academic freedom, securing it is crucial to prevent the loss of human capital and diversity.

How the Program Works

DITE provides its fellows sustained mentorship from distinguished professors of economics and vertical integration into research projects. Via DITE’s assistance with establishing a research program and a publishing and service record, as well as building connections with distinguished and supportive mentors who are willing to share their professional networks, experience, and guidance.

Program Eligibility

DITE is open to any junior faculty members holding doctorates in economics. Each year, DITE matches up to twelve junior scholars with six senior faculty mentors.

Contact and Application Information

Applications accepted on a rolling basis. If you are interested in applying, please email a statement of interest and a current CV to Gwen Wright (gwright@duke.edu). Additional materials and information may be required.

DITE is supported by the National Science Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Recent Appointments and Article Placements

DITE fellows have placed papers in the following highly-regarded journals across the economics field and other disciplines:

In recent years, DITE fellows have earned appointments at Duke, Harvard University, Howard University, New College of Florida, Spelman College, and elsewhere.


Past and Current DITE Fellows and Mentors

This is a working database of past and present DITE fellows and mentors. If you are a DITE participant and do not see your information below and would like to have a profile, please email Amber Holland at amber.holland@duke.edu with the subject line “DITE profile”. Thank you!

Here’s What People are Saying

I credit Sandy Darity with the foresight to recognize the fundamental need among early-career scholars of color for the support provided by a cadre of senior mentors. There was a compelling case for this when DITE began, and there remains a compelling case that it must continue into the future.

My experience with DITE deepened my understanding of the roadblocks that the tenure process erects in the professional path of academics of color, and believe that the experience made me a better Chair of Department when I was called upon to serve.

Patrick Conway
University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill

DITE was the single most important factor in obtaining tenure for me. The meetings and mentorship showed what a successful package was and helped me craft my academic story.

Omari Swinton
Howard University

DITE is an amazing program that not only facilitates networking but also provides exceptional mentorship opportunities. Through the program, I had the privilege of meeting one of my coauthors and connecting with a diverse community of like-minded individuals. The mentorship provided by experienced mentors has been invaluable, offering guidance, knowledge, and support that have greatly contributed to my personal and professional growth. I am grateful for the opportunities DITE has provided and the impact it has had on my career.

Jesse Mora 
Occidental College

I would not be where I am professionally without DITE. I attended the program one year before going up for tenure. Not only did I learn about all stages of preparing your tenure packet, but I was able to network with both rising and established scholars. I met Vicki Bogan of Cornell University at the conference. An occurrence that would not have happened otherwise. Since this meeting, Vicki and I have become co-authors. We have already published a paper conceived at the DITE conference and are currently working on a second. Rhonda Sharpe and Sandy Darity have also gone out of their way to find letter writers to support my case for tenure. The DITE conference also instilled in the fellows a sense of stewardship. DITE took great effort in helping earn tenure and giving me advice when becoming department chair. In turn, I have dedicated much of my service to diversifying economics. Since the conference, I have become the President of the American Society of Hispanic Economists and am serving my second term on the Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession of the American Economic Association. DITE does more than simply help people earn tenure. DITE produces the future leaders of our discipline.

Jose Fernandez 
University of Louisville

I was very fond of my time in DITE, I got to meet SO many scholars (peers and mentors) that I would have otherwise never met. These people are not in awesome positions and doing really cool stuff in the profession, and I’m just fortunate to have met them and receive lots of help from them. I’m thankful for the opportunity!

Sebastian Tello-Trillo
University of Virginia

The faculty in my DITE cohort have become trusted colleagues and friends. I deeply enjoy the intellectual space that DITE creates where we can discuss ideas in a rigorous and thoughtful way with other scholars who feel like family.

Peter Blair
Harvard University Graduate School of Education

DITE helped me to get further plugged in to a group of economist invested in inclusion in the profession, both peers and mentors. Having mentors outside of my home institution was particularly invaluable in getting feedback on my work, getting tips on the job market, and even getting a letter of recommendation when I went on the market. I finally got tenure in 2021, in part thanks to the support I got from the DITE network.

Damon Jones
University of Chicago

DITE has been central to my development in the economics profession. DITE provided me with the mentorship and network that opened several research and collaboration opportunities that I would not have had otherwise. I am truly thankful to the support I received from all my formal and informal DITE mentors. DITE is like a family you can always count on when you need support. Even as a full professor now, I still rely on my DITE network when in need

Luisa Blanco 
Pepperdine University

Being involved in DITE (Diversity Initiative for Tenure in Economics) has provided me with much greater experience and knowledge about the tenure process in academia than ever before, as well as improving my networking skills. I have also become a mentor to the junior members in my profession and that is a truly incredible opportunity for reflecting.

Mine Doyran
City University of New York

Creating communities of underrepresented economists is critical to making sure that everyone’s talents are fully utilized to advance our profession, our country, and our world.

Rachel Croson
University of Minnesota

DITE has supported me in many ways. One way that comes to mind, outside of helping me reach tenure, was giving me my own subscription to STATA. I use STATA and it was such a gift to have the latest version at that time since I could not afford it on my own.

Linda Loubert
Morgan State University

DITE gave me a network of colleagues that became friends, coauthors, and a support system on the tenure track.

Nathaniel Burke
West Virginia University

DITE has expanded my professional networks and has generously provided financial support for my research. Through DITE-sponsored events, I have met wonderful junior and senior scholars who are role models and peer mentors of my work.

Camila Morales
University of Texas- Dallas

I have had the opportunity to sit with and connect with excellent peers and esteemed mentors that have helped me to navigate my career while avoiding pitfalls. I am grateful for the advice and the opportunity DITE has afforded me.

Miesha Williams