Behind the Scenes at the Pandemic Divide Conference

Episode Summary:

Join podcast producers from Earfluence as they meet with and interview participants and attendees of the Pandemic Divide conference.

Hear reflections, “a-ha!” moments and more in this brief episode, to close out our first series of “Voices in Equity.”

The conference, a three-day event held at the Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club, featured scholars, policymakers, activists, and community members all dedicated to better understanding the ways that COVID-19 increased inequality, and developing policies to mitigate similar outcomes in the future.

Visit the Pandemic Divide conference site for complete bios of conference presenters and more information about the event. To view all lectures, materials, videos, and photos, you can visit the conference page hosted on this site.

Episode transcript:

Full episode transcript can be found here

EARFLUENCE is a full-service podcast production company that builds branded audio content for businesses – for awareness, engagement, marketing, and business development.