Faculty Affiliate Fenaba R. Addo quoted in Duke News and The Charlotte Post on recent research

Faculty Affiliate Dr. Fenaba R. Addo, Associate Professor of Public Policy at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, was  quoted in two stories—for Duke News and for The Charlotte Post—for her recent research on the persistent and growing racial wealth gap in the United States.

Addo’s paper—“Setting the Record Straight on Racial Wealth Inequality” was published last month in AEA Papers and Proceedings. The paper shows that the modern racial wealth gap is in fact growing, in large part because of the cumulative impact of the country’s racial history, and intergenerational transfers of wealth from older generations to younger ones.

“When it comes to wealth inequality, a rising tide lifted all boats … inequitably,” said lead author Fenaba R. Addo, associate professor of public policy at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and a Cook Center faculty affiliate. “Black-white wealth inequality persists, and it has expanded with the onset of the pandemic.”