Dr. Gwendolyn Wright Receives Duke Presidential Award

Dr. Gwen Wright

Friday, January 6, 2023

Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, the Cook Center’s Director of Strategic Initiatives and Collaborations, was recently announced as a recipient of a 2022-23 Duke Presidential Award, one of the university’s highest honors for distinguished service! Dr. Wright will formally receive her award at a ceremony in late February. Dr. Wright has been a part of Duke for more than 20 years, and she has been at the Cook Center since the very beginning, back in 2014 when it was initially established as the Consortium on Social Equity. To list out all of Dr. Wright’s contributions to the Cook Center would be exhaustive and nearly impossible, as she is essential in the Center’s operations, from daily check-ins in the office and personnel management and mentorship to leading some of its most high-profile projects. However, a few recent highlights include:

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Wright on this much-deserved award!