Research News

Research News

Keisha Bentley-Edwards Study Featured in The American Psychologist on Resiliency and Black Women

In the American Psychologist’s November issue, Core Faculty Affiliate Keisha Bentley-Edwards links the constant demand for Black women and girls to be resilient to lasting adverse health effects. “There’s a price paid on our health and relationships when we are in constant ‘fight or flight’ mode.” Dr. Bentley-Edwards is the Associate Director of Research and […]

GIRI Students Present Research at NC Global Health Alliance Conference

Last week, two Cook Center students from the spring 2024 Global Inequality Research Initiative (GIRI) seminar, Elena Granowsky and Lauren Tse, delivered a poster presentation on their research project at the North Carolina Global Health Alliance Conference in Raleigh. Their research “Do Elderly Men and Women Experience Grief Differently?,” which was completed as a capstone […]

The Black Reparations Project – 2024 American Book Fest Award Winner in Social Change Category

The American Book Fest announced the winners and finalists of the 21st Annual Best Book Awards (BBA), one of the world’s largest international book award programs for mainstream, indie, and self-published titles. Over 500 winners and finalists were announced in over 100 categories. Awards were presented for titles published in 2020-2024. The Black Reparations Project: […]

professional headshot of Kristen Cooksey Stowers

Faculty Affiliate Kristen Cooksey Stowers Discusses Food Insecurity in UConn Today

Faculty Affiliate Kristen Cooksey Stowers, assistant professor in the department of Allied Health Sciences at the University of Connecticut, was recently featured in a UConn Today article about her research on women of color living in a food swamp in North Hartford. Dr. Cooksey Stowers was the senior author on a study in the Journal […]

Keisha Bentley-Edwards work on the Research Equity and Diversity Initiative (READI)

Together, the Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Duke University School of Medicine, and Duke University Health System launched a new initiative in 2021 aimed at achieving increased access to and equitable representation in clinical research. Cook Center Associate Director of Research and Core Faculty Affiliate Keisha Bentley Edwards has worked as a co-director with […]

Headshot of Arko Dasgupta

Arko Dasgupta featured in India International Centre Quarterly Journal and Duke Research Blog

Cook Center Doctoral Fellow Arko Dasgupta recently wrote a piece for the India International Centre Quarterly Journal. This piece, titled “Kala Bagai: An Early Indian Woman in America”, is an exploration through the life of Kala Bagai and the complexities immigrants starting a life in the United States face.  Dasgupta was also featured in the […]

Keisha Bentley-Edwards Publishes Paper on Religious Coping and Cardiovascular Health in African American Men and Women

Cook Center Core Faculty Keisha L. Bentley-Edwards recently published a paper in the Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (JREHD) that details how, while racial discrimination leads to negative cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk among African American women and men, religious coping may be a fruitful mechanism for mitigating these negative effects. Dr. Bentley-Edwards, the Associate […]

professional headshot of Joaqin Rubacalba

Joaquin Alfredo-Angel Rubalcaba Authors Paper on Shift in Policing Practices Under Threat of Scrutiny

Cook Center DITE Fellow Joaquin Alfredo-Angel Rubalcaba recently published a paper in the American Economic Association’s (AEA) Paper and Proceedings that details how local law enforcement agencies in North Carolina, under the threat of federal scrutiny, shifted their racially discriminatory policing practices. Rubalcaba, an assistant professor in the Carolina Population Center at the University of North […]

Imari Smith publishes paper on Racial and Gender Differences in Discrimination and Psychological Distress among Young Adults

Cook Center Affiliate Imari Smith published a paper in Social Science & Medicine on Racial and Gender Differences in Discrimination and Psychological Distress among Young Adults. Smith, doctoral candidate in the Duke University’s Joint Program in Sociology and Public Policy, was the lead author on the paper, which sheds light on the understudied negative effects […]

Lisa Gennetian headshot

Faculty Affiliate Lisa Gennetian publishes paper in Nature on cash transfers to low-income households

Faculty Affiliate Dr. Lisa Gennetian published a paper in Nature that studies the effects of monthly cash transfers to low-income households. Gennetian, the Pritzker Professor of Early Learning Policy Studies at the Sanford School for Public Policy, was the lead author on the paper, which found that families who received substantial cash transfers during the […]