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William A. Darity Jr. quoted in op-ed on homelessness in The Chicago Reporter

William A Darity Jr. speaks at Boston University on Black Reparations

Capital Matters, Day 3: Looking Forward

Capital Matters Conference, Day 2: The Power of Local

Capital Matters Conference, Day 1: “Make Your Own Table”

Cook Center to Launch Global Inequalities Immerse Program in Spring 2020

Durham 150: How Black business contributed to Durham’s history

abc11 Thursday, October 17, 2019 DURHAM, N.C. (WTVD) — The upcoming formal celebration of Durham’s 150th anniversary includes recognition of key roles played by members of the African American community. The Bull City’s evolving skyline reflects the interest of big business. But the roots of those relationships are visible a few mikes away, in a […]

Capital Matters Conference mentioned in Duke Today article

Elijah King named Durham Public Schools Student of the month

Cook Center Research featured in Op-Ed about Cultural Appropriation