The Hank & Billye Suber Aaron Young Scholars Summer Research Institute is accepting applications for Summer 2025

The Hank & Billye Suber Aaron Young Scholars Summer Research Institute is a program that provides high school students enrolled in Durham Public Schools (DPS) with training to enhance their writing, research, and presentation skills. The program is sponsored by the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University in partnership with Durham Public Schools (DPS). In keeping with the Samuel DuBois Cook Center’s central mission as a community of scholars engaged in the study of the causes and consequences of inequality, program participants explore curriculum related to the economic, social, and political dimensions of inequality.

The program dates are July 8th to July 25th, 2025 on Duke’s campus. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Aaron Young Scholars Summer Research Institute participants must be currently enrolled in Durham Public Schools and the ninth, tenth, or eleventh grade. This is a free program.

The application deadline is March 31, 2025. Please submit using the Qualtrics form linked here.

If you have any questions, please email Program Coordinator, Ms. Kennedy Ruff, at

Learn more: Hank & Billye Suber Aaron Young Scholars Summer Research Institute