Founding Director William Darity Jr. and Gwendolyn Wright quoted in The Globe and Mail on Election Outcomes

Dr. William A. Darity Jr., Founding Director of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity, and Dr. Gwendolyn Wright, the Cook Center’s Strategic Initiatives Director, were recently quoted in The Globe and Mail on the role of race in the recent U.S. presidential election results.

Reflecting on the impact of race on voters’ reception to campaign messages, Wright posed a critical question: “Had a white man run as a Democrat, would voters have been more receptive to his message that the economy was improving? For me, that is ultimately the question.”

Darity responded to questions about Biden’s role as the Democratic candidate and the shift of some Black, Hispanic, and Asian voters toward Trump. He emphasized that Trump’s predominant support still came from white men and women, pointing to the persistent racial dynamics that shape America’s political landscape.

“This election reveals what America has long been.”

Read the full article in The Globe and Mail.